Join in the fun, discover new art and even better friends. Help us build a community around art, gaming and hanging out.

Click here to access the Phox Den, our community Discord Server.

Rules of the Server

1 Respect Each Other

  • No hateful conduct or speech / hate speech  
  • No harassment or unsolicited sexually suggestive content
  • Do not threaten another individual
  • Do not organize, promote or support violence
  • Do not glorify or promote self-harm or the harming of others
  • Do not spam
  • Do not share adult/NSFW content

2 Sharing False Content

  • Do not share false or misleading information
  • Do not mispresent yourself or others in a harmful way
  • Do not represent someone else’s art as your own

3 Respect Mods/Admins

4 Use the Correct Channel Locations